Outliving your Income or Nest Egg, Longer Life Expectancy, Future of Social Security, Future Cost of Prescription Drugs, Future Cost of Long Term Care, Future Income Tax Increases.
Do you want to find out about this little known "Secret" that the IRS doesn't want You to know about, this program has been used by Top Executives in major corporations for years. It's totally legal and can be worth Millions of Dollars in Tax Free Distribution. Private Pension Plans, "Exclusively for Business Owners and Key Executives"
Funding the Roth IRA Alternative Plan. You can maximize your retirement income (Qualified and Non Qualified) for Business Owners, Key Executives, and High Net Worth Clients.
Image if you had the power to create the perfect retirement plan for you...
How would you design it? Would you like :
Unlimited Contribution, Tax Free Distribution, 100% Discretionary, 100% Discriminatory ,No IRS Guidelines
No Third Party Administration, Account Value increases when the Market is up, Account Value that does NOT decrease when Market is down, All previous your gains are lock in and credited to your account.
Now you can with the Roth IRA Alternative. Roth IRA: Contributions are based upon after tax dollars. Distribution is Income Tax Free. But, there are problem with Roth IRA. If you income is over $100,000 you do qualify. If you make less than $100,000 you are limited to the dollars you can contribute.
Stand alone program for business owners and key executives. Unlimited contributions regardless of income or qualified retirement plan contributions. After tax contributions / tax free distribution, no third party administration, no IRS guidelines, immediate diversification, S&P 500 Index representing the top 500 companies in the U.S. Plus a self-completing feature to protect your family prior to retirement. What product can provide all these benefits? The plan is not designed to replace your current plan; it is designed to work in addition to your current plan. Since the plan provides Tax Free Distributions, most Business Owners use our plan to Hedge against future taxation.
Sooner or later everyone reaches that time in life when working 24/7 is no longer an option. What are Your Goals? Whether it is a cabin in the woods, a summer home, world travel, or just a worry free comfortable life, you will need a continued income to fulfill your dreams. But, at the same time you must be prepared and seek out a professional.
If you would like further information on this Private Pension Plan, contact me at: lynn.tomaro@comcast.net.
Preparing for the future has been made easier.